Thursday, May 10, 2012

*FINAL :)*

The video we watched today was very interesting and it opened my eyes to a lot of things that i wasn't concerned about. Google has become a huge company that everybody is using on the daily basis, every search that is being made by anyone is being recorder in their own personal "record" so its really hard to try to get rid of the searches you have made. So you have to be really careful about what you search for because the companies that follow up with all the searches can identify you even if you think you are being sneaky about it. Now when you think about using Google you might want to make sure that you are constantly being careful about what you do and search for on there, as well as the things you post online on any social network because they can affect you down the road. Remember everyone can see what you have down years from now and you wont even know it, jobs tempt to look for certain things like that to find out more personal stuff about you, and making sure that you are not going to affect their company in any way. Finally, i think that America should be more aware of the consequences of adding pictures, advertising, searches, and even the emails sent to someone else can affect you, your whole entire life.

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