Tuesday, February 14, 2012

* Digital Footprints *

I am personally worried about the amount of information i have given on the internet, and i don't think anyone is really aware of how dangerous it is to surf the web without giving out any personal information. Also i don't think teenagers really think about what consequences it can have by posting any kind of pictures on Facebook, Twitter, and any social network. They consider social networks to be sort of like someone to complain about, and they write all their personal information on there, including pictures and sharing everything they do and what they are thinking through out the day. Honestly i think that they use the social network as a 'diary' most people share unnecessary stuff and most of it is to start any kind of drama.


  1. I am also worried about my information that i have given on the internet. I also think that teenagers use social networks for a diary and don't pay attention that they are putting to much personal information of their social networks that they don't need.

  2. So many people put stuff on the internet that shouldn't be put on there, like social security numbers, addresses, phone numbers, ect. People need to realize that its a pretty big risk of getting your identity stolen and that they need to be careful. I agree with you. (:
